Hot Chocolate with Co-op Toppings

Winter contentment is all about finding your cozy place. Here’s a winning formula to try: comfy clothes, relaxing tunes, and a piping-hot mug of hot chocolate. Whether yours is dairy-free or dairy-full, you can make it “co-op style” with scrumptious toppings and flavor combinations. There’s truly something for everyone to sip and enjoy. Dairy-free hot … Continued

Functional Frozen Favorites: Pops and Flavored Ice Cubes

Summer hydration is serious business when you’re on the go and enjoying outdoor activities. Drinking water is important, but how can you replenish the minerals and electrolytes you lose when you’re out in the heat? When temps soar, make frozen treats that have nutritional value and cool you down so you can make the most … Continued

What Functional Beverages are Right For You

First there was kombucha. Then shots of wheatgrass. Now there are a number of different functional beverage options, from prebiotic gut shots to tonics, and from elixirs to fire cider. (And of course we still have plenty of kombucha!) When you’re staying hydrated this summer, it’s nice to know which beverages have certain benefits that … Continued