2017 Recycling Reports and Practices

Every quarter Lakewinds recieves Waste Diversion reports through Waste Management to see how we did with recycling paper, plastic, aluminum, glass, cardboard and organic material. Per store, we diverted:
Richfield: 37.97 tons of wasteChanhassen: 28.05 tons of wasteMinnetonka: 34.40 tons of waste
The combined efforts from our shoppers and employees has had a big environmental impact! Just at the Richfield location alone, these recycling efforts conserved the following resources:
- 52,000+ kW-hours or electricity (enough to power 4 homes for a year)
- 375 mature trees (enough to produce 4,641,138+ sheets of paper)
- 201,757 gallons of water (enough to meet the freshwater needs of 2,690 people)
- 126 cubic yards of landfill airspace (enough airspace to meet the disposal needs of a community of 162 people)
- Prevented 109 metric ton of GHG Emissions!
After seeing these reports, our Environmentally Friendly Practices committee comprised of Lakewinds staff:
- evaluated our current waste programs at each store
- renegotiated Waste Management contracts
- updated our waste system to improve diversion rates
- Made improvements to educate our staff and customers on proper waste sorting
We thank you for helping to make in-store recycling better and are working everyday to improve our efforts and protect the environment!