Below is a preview of the LOFF online application including file format requirements. This is for preparation purposes only, you must still submit the online application. You are able to save your progress on the application at any time.


1. Farm and Organization Contact Information
2. Brief Proposal Summary
3. Budget Information
  • Total annual operating budget
  • Dollar amount requested for LOFF grant
  • Total funding (for this project) contributed by your farm
  • Total project budget (including dollars requested)
4. Proposal Narrative
  • Tell us about your farm:
    • How long has your current farm been operating? When did you begin and how has it changed over time? Is your farm a family or multi-generational property or operation?
    • Does your farm have an official mission statement? What are your goals and what is your vision for the short-term and long-term future?
    • Is your farm certified organic? Tell us about your growing practices.
    • How many seasons have you been farming? How many years has your current farm been profitable?
    • How does your farm earn income? What are your main sources of revenue, and where do you sell your goods?
      • Community supported agriculture (CSA)
      • Farmers market
      • Retail settings (grocery stores, cooperative markets or stores, or other retail shops)
      • Direct to consumer (website or farm stand)
      • Schools and/or restaurants
      • Other
        • If other, please explain
      • What projects are currently in progress, and what have you accomplished in the past that you’d like to tell us about?
      • Who does the day-to-day work on your farm, including planning, overseeing, and decision making?
      • Have you ever been a Lakewinds Organic Field Fund recipient in the past? (Past recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this year’s LOFF grants.)
        • Yes
        • No
      • Which year(s) were you a recipient?
  • Purpose of grant
    • Goals
      • What are your specific goals for this grant funding?
      • Do you foresee any obstacles or difficulties in the year ahead, and if so, how do you see the grant bringing about solutions to these challenges?
    • Project Work
      • What is the nature and scope of the project? What is the work you’ll be engaged in?
      • Who will be carrying out the bulk of the work on the project, and what experience and qualifications do they have that you feel will make them and the project successful?
      • Do you have a timeline for the project? If this is a multi-year project, please explain what you plan to accomplish during each year.
      • How do you envision the sustainable success of the project in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and beyond?
  • Evaluation:
    • How will you evaluate the success of this project? Who will do the evaluation, and how will it be reported? (A final report with information about the project and its effect on your farm business is required by Dec. 31, 2023.)
5.1 References
  • Please supply a list of three (3) references that Lakewinds may contact
5.2 Attachments
  • Project budget including income and expenses
  • Additional funding – list names of corporations and foundations from which you are requesting funds, with dollar amounts, indicating which sources are committed and pending
  • Most recent financial statement, showing actual expenses, including a balance sheet and income statement
    (Financial Statement and Balance Sheet Template Provided Here)
  • If an employee(s) of Lakewinds Food Co-op is involved with your organization, list name(s) and involvement
  • Letter of recommendation from a farm or agriculture peer, or similar organization
  • Optional: Please include your curriculum vitae if available
6. Authorization
  • Name of farm owner or top paid staff
  • E-signature
Attachment File Formats Accepted: