DIY Winter Skin Care

As temperatures nose-dive, so does your skin’s moisture. But fighting back against parched flaky skin doesn’t mean buying expensive moisturizers. Keeping your skin protected from the fluctuating temps and dry air of winter is as easy as grabbing a few items from your fridge and pantry.

Brightening Face Mask

The natural exfoliation from oats will slough away skin without irritation while the honey and banana moisturize – leaving you with a dewy complexion.

2 tbsp raw oats

a little honey

1/2 banana

Mash ingredients together until they form a paste. Lightly rub onto your face. The oats will fall off as hey exfoliate dead skin ells and leave the honey and banana. Leave on for 10 minutes for a moisturizing skin boost before rinsing off with warm water.

Moisturizing Face Mask

Avocado has omega-3 fatty acids, oils and lipids that hydrate your skin, while the lactic acid in yogurt removes dead skin cells – leaving you with super moisturized skin.

6 oz full fat yogurt

1 tbsp honey

1/2 avocado

Mix ingredients into a paste. Spread it over your face and neck, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.