Three Iconic Heritage Foods

Photo Credit: Mette Nielsen
Remember the year the New York Times dubbed Minnesota land of Grape Salad in its Thanksgiving issue? In response to “Grapegate” we showcased our honest, long-standing, delicious heritage foods that reflect our region’s bounty. Here are just three old favorites for today’s table.
Lefse with Smoked Trout
Lefse, the delicate, potato based, Scandinavian flatbread is most often served warm, slathered with butter, sprinkled with sugar or smeared with jam. But why not try it as a savory wrap? If you don’t have a reliable family recipe for lefse (or a grandmother to make it for you), you’ll find packaged lefse in the refrigerator section with the tortillas.
Sausage with Sauerkraut
Sparked with local blueberries or laced with rich, sharp cheese, here traditional sausage is given a creative local twist. We’ve steeped it in local sauerkraut and doused with a bold ale, to make quick party fare or a simple mid-week dinner.
Wild Rice with Fresh Cranberries
Be sure to use hand-harvest wild rice from Minnesota (find it in the bulk section). Real, hand-harvested wild rice is brown and variegated, and it cooks super quick, in about 15 to 20 minutes. Here it’s tossed with tart cranberries, and lightly sweetened with maple syrup.